My EME antennas are a pair of homebrew 13el G0KSC LFA yagis. They are rear mounted to TV antenna rotators so that the polarization can be rotated.
Polarization shifts due to Faraday Rotation can cause up to 20dB of signal loss. This configuration allows me to peak the EME signals despite the polarization.
My 2m station consits of a K3, Q5 (Demi) transverter, and an M2 1K2 amplifier.
23cm EME dish: 2.4 meters 200W. See Construction Detials.

With this very modest 23cm station, I made EME 2-way contacts to stations as small as mine. I easily work 3 meter stations and could hear the larger stations speaker copy.

New 3.08m (10′) TVRO dish, new SSPA, 700W at feed. Replaced patch feed with septum/choke feed. The septum feed is 4-6dB better performance than the patch.
TX and RX are significantly improved.
Just recently added a very powerful SVH3 SlewDrive. No counterweights needed. Homebrew K3NG controller using Arduino Mega.